Resistance served symposium 2020

The base of my creativity starts with an opened mind and opened heart. When I heard about Radical Xchange and started doing some digging, there was a feeling of relief and excitement to see much needed digestible information presented. In February of 2020, Radical Xchange held their second annual Resistance Served in New Orleans. This was a celebration of the contributions of Black people and people of color in the food & beverage industry. We discussed a wide range of topics from Black history, the importance of Black women and their contributions to society as a whole, sustainability, healthy communication in the work place, farming, history of food, beer culture, identifying harm, knowing what safe spaces look and feel like, and so many other topics. Through this platform, I was able to connect with extended family members I didn't know existed. I have to give credit to where credit is due. Ashtin Berry, Kisira Hill, & Eric King are astronomical beings for putting this together. They provided the proper tools for a mind adjustment and sparked the brain of so many that were in attendance.

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